Tuesday 26 August 2014


 This is the first article that i ever wrote, way back in 2012. I came across it while going through my archive and thought it wise to publish it. I dedicate it to all those who desire and live to fill a childhood inadequacy.

Few years ago, when I was still a small boy, nothing meant more than being able to stand out
amongst the other boys, or as some may refer to them, the age group. It meant a lot if you were the best when it came to drawing the newest bus in the estate, dribbling and scoring goals, not forgetting that we were playing with a ball made of papers and sisal strings. You also got a lot of accolades from the same boys if you succeeded in amassing the highest number of girlfriends. These were not the only things that made one stand out, but just a few that seemed more important to us, than the rest.

There were some of us who grew up with loads and tonnes of courage, always standing out and thrusting unto the world what was in them. For such, it was always about seizing the opportunity as first as it arose, and going all the way to make a statement. They didn’t have to worry much as things seemed to always flow as planned. Good luck or the Lord’s favor seemed to always be upon them, thus ensuring that their efforts were always well rewarded.

On the other hand, a good number of us had to be persuaded to leave our security/comfort zone and bring out what was in us. The fear to be was written all over our faces, and little could we tell where we were headed to. Though we had our own small ambitions, we lacked the small packages of faith that would ignite the fire of willing and going on to be what we aspired. Ours, was a world of darkness as we tried to convince ourselves that we were actually worthy. 

Unlike most of our friends, we lacked the courage to dribble, fight or even compete for the few girls around, and as a result we had to always settle for those who were considered by the status quo as not being so good-looking. To the rest of our friends, we appeared weak, not strong enough to fight for what we desired.

Unfortunately, most of us have grown on with the same fear. Worst of all, a good number of those who were considered to be brave enough, have for some negative reasons joined this extended club of  the ‘fear- to -be’. This have only resulted to so many un-achieved dreams, with many of us burying them, into some 9-feet deep grave yards, where they can never be resurrected. A better look at our surroundings will tell you that there is a lot that have resulted to such situations, and it is not really by wish that some of us grew within a cloud of fear while others got exposed to the same disease later on in their lives.

Despite all the genuine causes that we might have, there is no excuse unto any man or woman, as to why they should find something to blame or point a finger at. It is up to us to grow beyond our fears and overcome them. After all there is more joy and happiness in emerging triumphant over our challenges
and short-comings. The fact that our environment may have denied us something of importance, such as motivation, in the process of growth, is not a reason enough for us to cower for the rest of our lives. Instead, we are expected to fight and fill our inadequacy. For me, this is what I call the transformational process which results to the salvation of the human soul.

We should always try as much as we can to get out of our comfortable cocoons and expose ourselves to the many experiences and opportunity that are out there. Humans have been able to discover that exposure to too much sunlight results to sun-burns; to prevent the sun-burns, they use sunscreen lotions. In the same way, why not get exposed to those experiences that make you feel challenged and instead of cowering back and avoiding the beautiful feel of the sunshine/life, device your own sunscreen/survival tactics that will help you emerge as a conqueror.

It is my hope that we have an agreement… leave your cocoon today, revive those buried dreams and let them shine.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Vulechelwa for accepting the challenge...let's live up to those dreams

    2. Amazing!a lot of guys, at some point in life after some experiences,,we just stop dreaming and choose to be okay with an average life, good enough achievements when indeed we can be exemplary. Thank you Mark

    3. That is very true and a painful unfortunate state Phoene. But there is always hope...we can always rise again whenever we choose to...so lets go clinch it!

  2. Replies
    1. thank you so much Victoria, i do appreciate and keep loving it.

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